FM11YX.01.27.32.Rev.00 - latest firmware version.
You can choose this firmware if you want to use the latest firmware.
FM11YX.01.26.01.rev99 - To be able to use latest version in your FM11YX devices(01.24.xx or newer version) first must be updated to version FM11YX.01.26.01.rev99:
If firmware version is not 01.11.xx or bootloader version is 01.10 or newer, you can skip next step.
If firmware version is 01.11.xx or booloader vesion is 01.09 orolder and there might be issues with direct update to 01.24.xx. To avoid this, you need first to update device to firmware 01.26.01.rev99.
Скачать программу для обновления прошивки TELTONIKA FM1100 можно по ссылке